Yu.S.Artistry performed their original piece, ‘Inner Light’, at the Queens Theater on October 24th, 2021. Rich in color and selective with light, the piece seemed to explore what it is that drives an individual, bringing tangibility to inner motivations to better illustrate our interactions with our own passionate pursuits. While this is just my own interpretation, I was left thinking about how the “inner light” of a creative type could serve as both something to be cherished and nurtured, and something to be quarried and exploited, often times by two sides of the same individual. There’s a delicate balance that needs to be struck by anyone hoping to bring ideas to fruition—you have to be your own boss, as well as your sole employee, and both entities have to stay happy.
In the presence of outside voices and opinions, it becomes harder for any individual to keep focus on their own inner light. We’re challenged time and time again to rethink and reinvent, all while maintaining some semblance of inner balance through the emotional obstacle course of existence. How we respond to these inner and outer forces shapes who we are as individuals and artists.
Learn more about Yu.S.Artistry’s work HERE